Have you ever donated an item to the Library of Stuff CIC? If so, we’d love to hear from you. As part of a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust-funded research project, we are trying to understand what motivates people to make donations to the Library. This could be helpful in generating more donations, as well as promoting the use of LoS and other libraries all over the world. Following an object’s story, from where and when it first was bought, found, inherited, or made, and tracking its life through the frequency and location of its use, whilst understanding its significance to the people it encounters along the way.


Want to be part of the research, fill in the ? fIll in the questionnaire here

My name is Tim, I’m a Director of the Library of Stuff, and a researcher. I work with stories, and I’d like to hear yours. Well, actually, I’d like to hear your objects’ stories. If you have made a donation to LoS in the past (doesn’t matter what or when) then I’d like to hear about it. I’m hoping to understand how people make the decision to donate to the library instead of binning, selling, or giving away. If we know this, perhaps we can help other people to see their possessions in a similar way to how you did at that time, and let go of things a bit more easily, whilst investing them into the community.

There are many reasons why a person might need to let go, such as moving into a smaller house, or dealing with an overwhelming number of possessions. Decisions about letting go can be hard, and they can cause friction in families. I hope we can find some way to make this a bit easier for all involved. This survey is the first step in a two-phase project. You can take part in it without doing anything else and we would be very grateful for your contribution. Phase two will open in the new year. In hope to gather stories about donations and the lives of objects through interviews with donors.

If you have questions about this project, and/or you would like to get involved in further stages of the project, please do give me a ring, or drop me an email (you can even leave a message at the Library of Stuff for me).

Want to be part of the research, fill in the ? fIll in the questionnaire here

Dr Timothy Buescher
Telephone: click to ring
Email: Timbuescher1975@gmail.com